Dream boy?

Still searching for Mr. Right

| Trustworthy | Faithful | Caring |

I want a guy who has an awesome sense of humor but knows how to be serious too. Part time joker with full responsibilities. I want a guy that I feel  very comfortable whenever I'm with him. Like a real best-friend. I want a guy that really do understand me for who I am. Like a big brother. Having a brother would be thoughtful. So he can take care of his little stupid sister. I always dream to have a big brother instead of big sister. I want a guy that argue with me if I did a wrong stupid things but without using hands that will hit me and reminds me that I'm wrong and hugs me after that. Like how a father would really react. Unlike my blood father. I want a guy that's good at ugama Islam. So he can lead me to the right way, to the one and only Allah. Maybe he could be my imam one day? I want a guy to thinks about his future and how his gonna to achieve it and really do it. So we'll have a better future together. And I'll be there cheering for him like an cheer leader. I want a guy that will surprise me whenever I'm feeling down, happy or not even feeling anything! That would be a magical adventure! I want a guy who would one day propose to me? And I'll be in his life till jannah? Insya Allah. Maybe that we'll be our amazing dream together? Ever? 

This is just a list of my dream boy. I hope, just wish that we'll meet someday. Insya Allah (:

Aigoooo Anah... Why u talk so much about dream boy. Hahaha! K whatever. Maybe I'll find my soulmate? Not sure what's Allah has pair up for me. It should be a great person cause Allah knows best. Hehe. 

Okay I'm tired. I shall do a one week update for this week, on the up coming Monday. Till then.........

Love, Anah 


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