This is really happening for real.

Officially single....

Today was okay...until..................i saw him went into my classroom im like "WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" -.- then i just continue w my work. Stress up eh. Lagy lagy i know his there infront of me. Hais. But, imma cool girl. Like normal, i play my loud music like i own that class. Hahaha. Some songs macam nak bahasa kan dia but, aku tak rude okay. Budak baik, tanak sakit kan hati orang lagy.. When he left, i went toilet with Shidah darling. I asked her, if he really do wants things to be okay he should come at me and ask me whether it's really over or not but..... He didn't so...yet. It totally is over between us. And when i heard from z on what "he" say, i feel that my heart kena tembak many times. It hurts.. But, what the hell~ Im a chill person. Say what you need to say, i don't give a fuck, as long kau bahagia suah. Big deal. But i feel kinda sad. Real sad. His the best to me. Even-tough i know my family, lots of them don't really like him but his a good, responsible, kind, caring, cheerful, funny, show me more about islam, knows how to take care of me, pay for my food and drinks, sends me right infront of my door step, and last but not to forget, he loves me(i don't know if he still does).. But i guess because of that problem we facing few days ago just break my heart at level one thousand.... How spoil. Hais. :'( not a very good day today.. I tot it will be a good one.. Guess i'm always wrong.. Okay, the end. No more talking about this.

Im happy, aren't i? Yesh Anah...


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