Earlier yesterday


DONE! I get okay laa. It's getting finish as always. But for the good reasons. i paid half of my phone bills for the first time!!!!

CAN TEXT,CALL,3G! Yeshaaaaaaaa!

I apply NYP.

Diploma in Motion Grahpic Broadcast design for 3years. Now need to wait for 1Apr? Then when i just click submit button.....NAFA TEXT ME -.-

But when i check email.......NOTHING! NOTA! KOSONG! HABUK PON TAKDA! :(

Then Ms Shikin whatsapp me.

I don't know ah. If i can't go Nafa nor Poly...... I shall just be a teacher's assistant till june. Then go fing jobs. REAL JOBS. Hais. Nafa, Y U NO email me?! I hope me and shidah get into Nafa together! I really want that. *sigh* boohu me

By the way

I FINALLY FOUND THE RAMONES TEE SHIRT!!!!! AHHHH HAPPY AH! I bought it at Penni. HAH! That's the only place to find it. Demin jacket & "aguis b." long dress i buy at bugis street. Been wanting them too. Teehee! I already buy bleach. So maybe im bleaching my hair today. Im notsure yet.

C'est La Vie VII

Tickets are selling fast now! Im going but the girls still havent comfym. I don't want to be alone again....................


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