2013 eh

12 January 2013

SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN YANG KE 22 KAKAK! (: Semoga ada hidupan yang bahagia. Amin.

When to NAFA open house

The begining I was walking to tamp inter, my three button top "POP"!!! PAISEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYY!!!! HAISSSSSSSSSSS!!! MALUUUUU GILAAAA BABI! :( k, After i ended my work, which its late..... Fauzana and I go take bas 65 to Sota, meeting sadiq there. Afiqah too. We meet Shidah & Fadz at NAFA itself. Then we look around and ask. Sampai stress siah aku. When i apply, somehow my email address can't be used. I DON'T KNOW WHY! Hais. So i use Shidah 2nd email address. Need to do a new one soon. In case uh. K, then the course i want is Graphic Communication/Design tau, bey tak ada dalam system tuh! HAIS! So we cancel and go ask people, then they ask the orang besar then must wait again.... So we go eat first ah. Then raining! So waited. THEN!!!!!! I and sadiq go back the school................and its closed! :( Hais. So we go LAN shop and apply. Fuh! PENAT. Done w that, we two go Taufik's workplace. Smoke and stuff, we three visit Acah's workplace. Heh.

Let's pray that i get to learn at NAFA! Insya Allah. Amin.

9 January 2013

I took a day off just to help out my teachers w the CCA booth which is actually supposse to call "The DeeJay Club" but they changed it to "Campus Radio" More better! DJ CLUB so the kentals. Hahaha. okay i lazy to type. Nevermind. Bouncer catch me two time because of my hair! Hahaha. Sialaa. Sekolah ada black guys wearing black tak fun. I even saw jean toh! hhahaa. I saw my xxx two times. Shock of my life siah. Hais. Anyways, shidah meet us! Like finally! LONG TIME NO SEE HER SINCE LAST YEAR SIAH! haahaha. Slack w her until late! Its like we dont wanna leave!

Late post.

Later @2pm, Sengkang Bakau station. Aleem's sister getting marry!


"I'm glad that every morning, no one was in my mind when i woke up." - FN


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