
Showing posts from January, 2013

Act like nothing fucking happen to me.

I hate what happen today! I never should had meet that fuck. Shit! What happen man. Seriously, stupid. Anahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ I'm scared. Really scared. Not kidding.....  Help me


Random post, black is my jam now. Hehe. I always wanted a handbag. Beautiful right? I want find something like this. Some skater dress please??? the last one like v nice! It's from this website le -> Hais, faster laa pay! drop dead tee! So nice but evil. I want to get at least one of them! Front Back SHORTS! Long time no wear shorts cause nenek go throw mine away -.- Front Back PULLOVER! The first one i like because of the moon in front w clouds but at the back like too much :/  The plain black one is the guys one it's simple, has a cat on the right bottom, how cute?! Heeeee. The girl version has two holes behind, like, what the fuck? Front Back I gonna buy this one first! Seriously! For the love of god, drop dead. Ah! I love this piece! Cepat ah pay but this one daa out of stock :( i don't know when the next stock :

It's this SATURDAY?!!?!

Drawing test falls on 2nd February Marcus just called me in the middle of the night! I was wondering why is he calling me on this late timing? Okay nevermind just pick up ah. When i pick up the background was so noisey! Guys talking i don't know about what, and i just kept on saying hello cause marcus didn't answer until i wanted to end the call he says hello back but...he's voice is fucked up! I guess his drunk! It's kinda digusting to hear your guy friend drunk voice, but if sexy voice nevermind, this one like uncle voice! Ewww i don't like. Sorry marcus. HAH. This is like awkward if i see him again. Note to self Anah: don't get drunk w him!  HAHAHA fuck. Okay what happen next is Marcus asking me "what are u doing....." and im like thinking, what the fuck i can't stand his voice laa, shit. Then i answered "youtube why?" he replied.......shittttttttttt i can't believe this ahhh this part is super gross cause his my friend an

Salam Maulidur Rasul.

Getting ready This is my first time going for this kind of maulud this year (: It's held at expo hall 3 Soooooo many people was there! I feel so amazed! Macam suka gytuh. Hmmm. Not all of the surah's and doa's i know. But i just "amin". I feel so useless somehow. Damn anah. I was hoping to see some of my friends or anything more like miracles but...... No. Hahaha. Tak mengapa.  I was thankful. Was taking pictures while waiting for the rest to finish getting ready. And Wan's friend say i look like nora danish? Ehhhhh aku ada happy skejab but actually i don't look like her at all! She's more beautiful shay. Hais, why nora so pretty? Hah tak mengapa, everyone is beautiful in their own ways. (:  This was yesterday. Selamat ulang tahun Nabi Muhammad. (: "I know you're no longer alive but to us, you are still living among us and taking care of us. -FN"

Happy 20th birthday Syafikah!

She's no longer a TEENAGER! Hahahahahahha! But it's okay, she still looks young. (: Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan ada hidup yang bahagia. Insya Allah, amin. (: Stay positive as always. I love you! <3 I did this for like a few hours. Heh.

Long again.

Yesh, i extend my hair! Yeay! I think? Hahahahaahahah. But it's v thin :( I spend like 120bucks eh. Ish anah......... Wasted je eh kau.  Hahhaah. Anyways i love it. (: thanks to fauzana for temaning me. And she did some shopping. And i envy her. Cause she still have saving, aku? Jeng jeng jeng......KOSONG. HAHAHHA bodoh anah. 


I design this. Simple. It kinda represent me. Okay it's not v beautiful but i like it simple. Anyways, im sick! My nose feel v yucks! And my throat.... Gosh! I feel sick but i want to do something. Hahaha. Maybe i'll design more. I want to print stuffs, create new shit. Hahah. Should i do extensions or not? Cause hais. I want longer hair when i graduate in febuary but money is the problem now :(

2013 eh

12 January 2013 SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN YANG KE 22 KAKAK! (:  Semoga ada hidupan yang bahagia. Amin. When to NAFA open house The begining I was walking to tamp inter, my three button top "POP"!!! PAISEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYY!!!! HAISSSSSSSSSSS!!! MALUUUUU GILAAAA BABI! :( k, After i ended my work, which its late..... Fauzana and I go take bas 65 to Sota, meeting sadiq there. Afiqah too. We meet Shidah & Fadz at NAFA itself. Then we look around and ask. Sampai stress siah aku. When i apply, somehow my email address can't be used. I DON'T KNOW WHY! Hais. So i use Shidah 2nd email address. Need to do a new one soon. In case uh. K, then the course i want is Graphic Communication/Design tau, bey tak ada dalam system tuh! HAIS! So we cancel and go ask people, then they ask the orang besar then must wait again.... So we go eat first ah. Then raining! So waited. THEN!!!!!! I and sadiq go back the school.......