It's this SATURDAY?!!?!

Drawing test falls on 2nd February

Marcus just called me in the middle of the night! I was wondering why is he calling me on this late timing? Okay nevermind just pick up ah. When i pick up the background was so noisey! Guys talking i don't know about what, and i just kept on saying hello cause marcus didn't answer until i wanted to end the call he says hello back but...he's voice is fucked up! I guess his drunk! It's kinda digusting to hear your guy friend drunk voice, but if sexy voice nevermind, this one like uncle voice! Ewww i don't like. Sorry marcus. HAH. This is like awkward if i see him again. Note to self Anah: don't get drunk w him!  HAHAHA fuck. Okay what happen next is Marcus asking me "what are u doing....." and im like thinking, what the fuck i can't stand his voice laa, shit. Then i answered "youtube why?" he replied.......shittttttttttt i can't believe this ahhh this part is super gross cause his my friend and hearing him saying this in a drunk voice totally freak me out! Like seriously...damn. Kkkk i'm gonna tell, he says "u do want fuck me now....." FUCKKKKKK! My reaction is fucked up that moment! And i faster say, "WHAT?! K BYE" and i end his call. Fuck, that was scary to me! Really. fuck. ewwwww. k. fuck man! OMG. eeeeeeeeeeeee. Damn.  EEEEEEWWW. I need to forget this. But i remembered they invite me go drinking on 8feb and im having trouble if i should go too or not. Then again, im talking to myself. Hah. K whatever. Im suppose to write about 2nd february and he had to call me talking about fucking him? Eeeeewwww distracting much isn't it? Okay fuck it!

Okay about 2nd february, I'm having my Nafa drawing test! AHHHHH WISH ME LUCK! I really wanna get to that course! I want learn more. I didn't know the test was this saturday until Shidah text me! Waliao wey Anah. You v terrible one. So shidah ask me out to go to the library,  to find some inspiration. I hope we can find some at bugis there. Then go do some drawings at clark quay. Cause we need a cooling place. i guess that place is alright? i don't know. Hahaha. Long time never hang out at Clark Quay. I hope the weather will be awesome, not hot not rainy but slow wind. (: Amin....

well, im looking forward to this Wednesday. This few days i get awkwardness from friends, i'm getting afraid day by day. Shit.

The picture above is Marylin Monroe, beautiful creative piece of art isn't it? I want try this...

Hmmm, Goodnight.


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