
Showing posts from August, 2012

This is really happening for real.

Officially single.... Today was okay...until..................i saw him went into my classroom im like "WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" -.- then i just continue w my work. Stress up eh. Lagy lagy i know his there infront of me. Hais. But, imma cool girl. Like normal, i play my loud music like i own that class. Hahaha. Some songs macam nak bahasa kan dia but, aku tak rude okay. Budak baik, tanak sakit kan hati orang lagy.. When he left, i went toilet with Shidah darling. I asked her, if he really do wants things to be okay he should come at me and ask me whether it's really over or not but..... He didn't so...yet. It totally is over between us. And when i heard from z on what "he" say, i feel that my heart kena tembak many times. It hurts.. But, what the hell~ Im a chill person. Say what you need to say, i don't give a fuck, as long kau bahagia suah. Big deal. But i feel kinda sad. Real sad. His the best to me. Even-tough i know my

Please... I'm done.

I'm so TIRED. To you it's my fault cause i didn't meet you yesterday. I was tired, i'm weak, i know. So i went home and sleep. Didn't shower at all eh. Hais. When i woke up and text you, you say you meet that person cause that person die die wanna introduce you to her friends. I'm like what the hell. Seriously, i'm heart broken. But he don't see it that way. He blames me for choosing sleep than meeting him. Im seriously dead. I know we can meet up different days. Macam laa daa qiamat. Anyways, bila aku mati, kubur aku sorang je di dalam so, sleep comes first. I need more rest. K, aku marah actually. Bobal pon karut. And i know no one reads my blog so i can type whatever i want. Daa, i told him its over. Our story ends here. Fullstop. But he still............. Arggggggh. I don't know laa. I do really really reaaaaaaaaaly love him... But, i kept on hurting myself if i stay again. Hais. I'm the only one that understands my own feeling and o

Raya Updates.

Maswandi's family. Emira so cute! Im like her mother right. HAHA HENNA FOOT Suhaimi's family. FNMN's family. Meooowmilooo Some of my raya's 2012 photos. Not much as always. Too busy. So far i've jalan raya only three times. Hah. 1st raya w sufie's, iya's family plus my mother and grandma. 2nd day w ciksha's family. The 7th day w mama. Which is always the worst but, hais pity my mother ah. Nothing special uh this raya. I wish it could be better soon. Amin. Okay, i should go to sleep. It's 11pm ni. And by the way, i think things are a little better w boyfriend. I was actually very very verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry heart broken last chance... Okay. Nights. Happy Moanday tomm.

Syawal tiba.

Happy Raya 2012 guys. It was a v fine day indeed to celebrate raya. Eventough malam raya didn't end well for me. But i don't  mind. This is life. Salam Aidilfitri.