Raya Updates.

Maswandi's family.

Emira so cute!
Im like her mother right. HAHA


Suhaimi's family.
FNMN's family.


Some of my raya's 2012 photos.

Not much as always. Too busy. So far i've jalan raya only three times. Hah. 1st raya w sufie's, iya's family plus my mother and grandma. 2nd day w ciksha's family. The 7th day w mama. Which is always the worst but, hais pity my mother ah. Nothing special uh this raya. I wish it could be better soon. Amin. Okay, i should go to sleep. It's 11pm ni. And by the way, i think things are a little better w boyfriend. I was actually very very verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry heart broken but.....................one last chance... Okay. Nights.

Happy Moanday tomm.


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