Happy 19th Antoe!

Happy Birthday to Muhammad Sufihie Sufiyantoe!

I got to celebrate mine too? Awkward.
I got my first present! 1 week earlier liao. Thankyou Wiyah's family. ^^

Hi. Actually today, first me, Mai & Acah wake up morningmorning to go fix Mai's teeth. Then Sialaaa tak dapat, dental closed at 12. But we did book at 1140, and they say they would call, but didnt. What the fuck? So fuck it. Mai's gonna go on Sunday. I hope it will get fixed. Bey Mai wanted to buy iPhone 4/4s buy didnt get also cause don't have aged 21 & above to sign for her. Sian. Haissss, a pretty rough day for her eventually. So backed home. Changed & get ready again. To go eat with Mama & so called celebrate Sufie's day. Ok, we are full enough. Lalala.Pk nari mama kata beli barang yang apa kita nak, sekali sialaaa palaaa buuuuuuutos. TAK! Haiss.  Takpa. Im so gonna saveeeeeeeeeeeee. Buy my own. Faster orang keje call me. (: amin. When home. Celebrate lagy birthday Sufie. Cake againnnnnnnn. Byk siah makan cake. Dalam Icebox  ada lagy cake. Baik. Save untuk Sunday No food day. ^^ hehehe. So yeah.

So done with Sufie's day!

iPod touch, White. 8GB $288| 16GB $428
Converse High Cut, Yellow. $60+
Fuck it. Save Anah. (: aminnnnn~


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