bye 10 december.

bye 10 december.

Hehehe. It was my birthday yesterday. I'm finally 18 friends! (: yeay me! Hahahaha k whatever anah. So now its easier for me. Now i wanna wait for 21. Im so gonna buy a house & please by the time i graduate, i need to have a proper job & my life, my family's life would get better. Amin. Ok, first i spend my birthday ummm how to start eh? Funny uh. K wait, 9 december i went out to meet the Yang Sei, the worker at USS, my work place soon. Everybody was like irritating. But nevermind, i needa money. I cant be using steling money right? Like all the time. Bad habit. I dont really like taking money from others. Its BAD! And SINFUL right? God damn me! Haish. Nevermind. I'll change. I promise God. 

Ok after doing the work stuff, i go meet up with Shidah to go eat. We eat at Pastamania. (: finally. I was craving for it. But the workers at there is so irritating. Eeee. I dont like. Want take order, eeew. When we eat, eeeww stop staring and pointing at us. Rude man. Somemore you workers eat at the table infront, not behind. So wrong. hais. Takpala. Then Shidah gave me a beautiful present. I never get a gift that someone cooked for me.. Its like Awww brownies. It was sooo nice. I loved it. (: thanks! Then kan kan, we walk around Vivo, window shopping. If only our family are rich, wuah wuahh wuaaaah, habis satuh shopping mall. Hehehe k diam -.- then here come jessica, so cute. We slack at the skypark, i dont know its a skypark or not, but vivo the very on top place where got water to play with. Haaaah, this. (: me and shid just step into the water with our sockings, Everybody was like looking at us. Hahahah we why look? We famous. Hahhaha -.- then we took some pictures, talk, laugh, laugh at people we dont know,share stuff with jessica, eat shidah's brownies and i forgot what. But we go daiso, buy stuff. Meet marcus, slack at outside vivo, where we can see the full moon, take pictures, asap, talk about this year, it seem we known eachother like 2 years already. Hhaahha. Then we were hungry..... I was craving KFC then so was jessica. Yeay! Kfc! Hahahaha -.- we eat buddy meal. So full again. I eat some of jessica chicken, since her belly full already hor. Then we watched 'so singaporean' video at youtube. Funny. Make me remember about the funny pass i've had. Hahhahah. done eating, asap, talked, share stuff, share funny facts, ahhahaha. Im like thier suppieyer that day. How great i am. Heeee. Then shidah go home. Left me marcaus jess. We go bedok, took 28 to school. When drop down the bus, got more irritating people -.- i know laa u guys go Tparty and its finish already. Not need ah for your comments that we came late, hello?sorry? we came here not to party but meet this guy. Taufik. My motive of meeting him was taking back my boyfriend's earpi from him and slack for awhile, but then t.t make us wait for like 1hour -,- hais. Then we waited for cab, jess say she want celebrate my birthday. (: since t.t and marcus meeting izat, so we followed. &&& this year, i think i never had a friend who hugged me on 10december 12am before. I feel that i have better feeling after that. Thanks jesst.tcus. (: they buy drinks, meet izat, talked, drink, eat, eat, eat, laugh, stupid talk, do dumb thing, eat, hahaha, red, fetch cab, im homed. I lazy already uh to type, so yeah, k never mind, then i walked at my hallway, then suddenly my lil' cosin go scare the shit out of me! And i almost fall! Taik uh dorang but it was worth it. then im off to sleep feel bad about myself and prayed to Allah, and promise Allah somemore. I really meant my words, :'( i think he showed me already. I must soon start following his ways. Amin. 

...................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...zzzzz its morning! Checked my phone, i got boyfriend text, sad man. Nevermind i dont blame him, i blame me. Watch x factor, reply retweet friends mentions my name at twitter. I was so happy!!!!!!!!!! I know its just a digital moniter that shows words, but it really mean alot to me. THANKS! As long you remembered, see, wish, im so happy. Luckily im not alone yesterday. Heh. eat, bathe, play net, get out, see mama, go find stuff for kakak, gets bag & stitch cake from mama, yeay, famous amos, homed, net, webcam myself, cake, celebrate, pictures, snap snap, cut cake, eat like monster dinosaur alien, ahahha, wash dishers, drink, talked, mama kissed my forehead, i say thankyou, lend mai's phone, post post post, text with boyfriend, finally, make my bed, text text text, i've fallen asleep.

Meet up with boyfriend just now ^^> he soooooooooooo sweet uh. We go ride cab, i dont know where we're going at the first place tau, then sekali we go Clake Quay. However it spell. We hang out there. Took pictures, eat Nutella w bread. Awwwww him. (: then he give me birthday present. First was the chocolate, pictures, iPod touch! and popular vouchers. Hahahaha. Thankyouuuuu! (: so shocking lei he give me iTouch. Fuuuuh. Seriously uh. Thankyou. Then then, we walk walk till reach raffles city mrt, was so penat dan bpeluh-peluh tau. So waited for train, when in, stop at paya lebar to take cab. Cause he tired and can't stand, standing. So yeah, nak tahan cab punnya stress. Hahahha, at last dapat, when in the cab, zad trantuk cab. Hahahaha poor him uh. Hahahha but it was funny. He always get hit by something. Hahahaha. Ok, he send me home as usual. Ilovehimsomuch... xoxo. <3

Meeting Elly tomm!

Ok Thanks everyone for the gifts, wishes, hugs, kisses and STITCH cake! >^,^< meowwwwww


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