
Showing posts from May, 2013

Dream boy?

Still searching for Mr. Right | Trustworthy | Faithful | Caring | I want a guy who has an awesome sense of humor but knows how to be serious too. Part time joker with full responsibilities. I want a guy that I feel  very comfortable whenever I'm with him. Like a real best-friend. I want a guy that really do understand me for who I am. Like a big brother. Having a brother would be thoughtful. So he can take care of his little stupid sister. I always dream to have a big brother instead of big sister. I want a guy that argue with me if I did a wrong stupid things but without using hands that will hit me and reminds me that I'm wrong and hugs me after that. Like how a father would really react. Unlike my blood father. I want a guy that's good at ugama Islam. So he can lead me to the right way, to the one and only Allah. Maybe he could be my imam one day? I want a guy to thinks about his future and how his gonna to achieve it and really do it. So we'll have a

Little something before I head to bed

this person just knows how to me make me laugh. Hahaha. Funny uh him. Okay laa. I'm sleepy already. Goodnight! P.S. I'm no longer a teacher at ITE Central, so?party! Hahahha


Well, I have to have a little fun before I get really serious with my life. Hmmm. School's starts in one month plus time. Ooo gosh! I'm scared. And I'm still wondering when will my pay come? My days being a teacher is over. But I need my pay. 1k plus is a lot. And I can use it for school and transport and shopping? Hehe. Long time I didn't shop. I really want to. But i don't know with who to go shopping with. It's hard sometimes. Some friends just act like they like love you but actually you don't know what's in their heart and brain thinks about me. So hard. But I try to be positive in every friends I have. But but but....I really do care for my friends no matter what. I love them and I hope my friendships with all my friend will stay together till we forgot how to breathe..... May I be good.

Things i pretty want to buy (:

These are the lists of things. Well..... It's kinda alot. Hahaha. I have this list in my phone. I'm still not sure what type of camera as long its below 200 bucks and its good.  soon...........


Stay home Tuesday for me. I just hope tomorrow is the last day i'm working at ITE Central. Too lazy to work at a far place plus, i left with 6 hours out of 189 hours of the contract. Yippie! Time flies fast! That day, Step by step to make a art piece finish(: I forgot when I did this but I love it. Anyways days has been more and more difficult but I try not to think about it. Just chill, a'ight. Yesterday, Meet elly opposite of macpherson primary school cause I'm taking my work timetable plus time sheet for the 'John Little Expo Atrium Sales' this coming 29 May till 10 June. Just earning some cash for me. And to think about it, it's for my school. I'm working my ass off to get money. Argh.  They spell my name fucking wrong! Argh. Well, I have a new name then, 'Farhanan' HAHAHA. Anyways, on the first June I'm gonna be working on a

Pulau Ubin Update!

11 May 2013. "May the pictures and videos do the talking." - FN