Story of my life (Part 2)

Before i continue the story, i want to say something. Hmmm. Let's see, well, i was scrolling down fb and i saw something. I realize that what some certain person has said to you wasn't gonna last. Like "I love you" "I missing you" "pretty" "i'll be there for you" "trust me" "will you be my girlfriend". Cause i think all of these are lies & it's only temporary. They just think they do but they don't. Well, all im saying is, try to disappear for awhile and see what are the doing without you and are they worth it? If they have a new person that's means they kinda still playing around. And im like what the fuck? I knew i was right to leave. Some people aren't just there for me. Im thankful that Allah has shown me something that open my eyes. & what i've been talking about is not about one person or you, so don't terasa okay? It's about maybe all the person i knew. This is just my point of view.

Well, back to my story.

Being in secondary 1 is fun, new things i discover. Make new friends. I joined a Dance CCA with Nabilah. She's like a sister to me. She is one year older than me. So i respect her. And i hang around with Ain, Farah, Eliza, Dina, Nabilah during my secondary 1 & 2. And i have a study group with Ain, Dina, Razali & Gerwyn. They are so fun to study with. Thanks to them i've become good at Math, really good. We used to go to Elias Macdonalds and study learn together, gerwyn print us worksheets to do & mark. Hais. I missed those days. Thank you guys (: When i reach the third year, we got sec3 camp. So.....That was the most memorable year of all. Our class class bond gets pretty close and the girls ate together in the canteen time recess. At this year too, i don't know why i sort of like, let's name him Rim. I sort of liking Rim cause he text message me. I felt wanted & noticed. Hahaha. We didn't last. At first, not all of the class knows. But slowly everyone knows. Some are not happy with it and he got beat up. Opps, i feel really bad eh. But it's okay, just some misunderstanding. I got 2nd in class that year, so proud of myself! Heeee~ Sec4 was hard cause all i think that it's nothing to be worried at cause im finishing soon. So i abit lepak uh. But then when the GCE 'N' levels are coming i was so afraid that i can't do it. Even my art portfolio i do anyhow and it look like crap! Seriously. It's like primary one drawings -.- HAhaha stupid. The day i took my N's results i can't come in cause my hair was coloured brightly. HHHAAAAA. So i have to spray it black. & i look stupid that day. But who cares! I pass my N's! YIPPE!  When outside the school and my class happily throw all the papers on the opposite blk of the school. Hahahaha. Or was it on the last day of N's examinations? HA! I also forgot already. Hahahha! I when for the Convocation ceremony at Siglap to take cert and Graduation night. Had a great moments there. (: The night of Graduation night my class has choosen me as the princess and Elfy as the prince. But of cause we didn't win but, great experience to be on the stage which i feel very very shy and embarrassed. :(  That was the day also the "prince" ask me to be his in malay. I remembered it was so sooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooooo SWEET and LOVELY! He held both of my hands and he was shaking. Haha awww. And asked me, i forgot what are the words but it was lovely. Who get's a boyfriend/husband like him would be very "Untung" "bless-full" even-tough it didn't work out for us. Anyways, i was accepted in Office Skills at ITE College East which is at simei. Well... I didn't really want to go to that course cause i don't find it interesting. I prefer joining engineering or design. But well. Nothing. So i wasted one year in my school life. Hahaha. But i love it. I made good friends like Tiara(Huda), Atikah, Herda, Afiqah, Ashraf, Fiza, Shah, Fazleen and more. Hahaha. Sometimes we like to skip classes together. Of cause not all at once but some. Hahaha. I missed them. It's been years since i seen them. Much misses. I don't know when we're gonna meet. Hais. After i finish my examinations, i decided to join another Nitec Course. Cause i don't think my Office Cert can get me anywhere. Hais. Gpa 1 point something je. Cmi uh. So i go appeal Visual Effects course at ITE central (tampines). And they called me for drawing test & interview. My Kakak also but she got interview for Interactive Media Design. So we go to school together and take our drawing test side by side. But different paper of cause. The drawing test got 3 sections, one is draw yourself, a storyboard of a unlucky day and need to follow a drawing from the paper and copy it. Was quite easy but the part storyboard only ah like stupid i do. Hahaha. So i finished it and when to the interview room, beside me was a girl, well we become friends eventually. Hahaha. Her name is Miza.

well, i think i shall here for now. I should put pictures right? Hmmm. Maybe soon if got time. Im working later from 10am till 5pm. Fuhhh. Can't be late, i shall set my alarm clock at 7am. Till then. Goodnights.

Sleepyhead, Anah.


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