Story of my life (Part 1)

Well I finally want to blog about me(don't bother reading cause it's kinda long...)

My real name is

Lets start from the beginning. 
There was my blood Papa, Mama, Kakak(Elder sister) and Acah(sister). Then i was born in the 344th day of year 1993, December Tenth, Kandang Kerbau Hospital(KKH), 6.21pm on the Friday. I was brought home on 13 december 1993. So i lived at Tampines beside Tampines North Primary School but i remembered that when i was very young i lived at Simei and Changi too. So im not really sure. After 2 years later in 1995 January the 22nd my little sister, Mai was born. So we have a total of 6 members in the family. In kindergarten, i don't really have much memories about it but i really like Art lessons. I remembered that i love to go to the toilet just to look around. I think i was bored in class. Hahaha. Then i was Primary 1.1 in 1999 at Tampines North Primary School with my two elder sisters. In my primary days, i always need to miss my lessons and go to a special class which is fun! I always looking forward to go special class during lessons. And there is where i met Nicole for the first time. We became friends until when we reach primary 4, we were in the same malay class and primary 5 we were in the same class! Well i love being friends with her. We do stupid stuffs together. I used to draw something on a paper and walk around class just to passed it to her during malay class, but when we're in the same class there's no need for us to walk around cause we always sit together. In primary 5 too, i met Amalina and shafawati too. We 4 were very close back then. Many things happen in my primary 5 & 6 days. We 4 sits in square 4 table facing eachother infront of teacher's table near the window. Hahaha. Lepak siah there. We have like a letter box in the middle of our tables. So we could write anything to eachother including secrets. Heh. And i remember i always kena disturb cause my teeth like rabbit. But i don't really care cause i take it like a joke till now. Pfft. In 2003 my parents get divorce, so we live with our nenek and soon my uncle get married with a indonesian lady, and we live with them at tampines too.Anyways i just remember that primary 4 or 3 in malay class i used to have a crush on this one guy, let's name him Reed. I don't know if he notices me but there this one day in malay class i feel there's someone starting! HAHA. So i look around and i saw Reed rest his head on his hand and smiling at me! And i faster turned and look away and laughed to myself. So i wanted to double comfym whether he was looking at me or im the one Syoik sendiri, and i took my book cover my face with it and look at him.....and he did the same thing! Fuhhhhh! Happy me. Hahaha! Its like we're playing hide and seek with the book. Hahaa. Well, me and reed was nothing. Hah! I also have this "Cinta Monyet" moments with two of my classmates, one in primary 5 and the other one in primary 6. I forgot which one came first but one of them use to call me at my house number, my Makcik thinks it was a girl. Hahaha we use to laugh everytime he called me. Hahaha. Wah! Panjang pe aku type. Getting tired to type already. Hahaha. I wanted to do a Story of my life on youtube but i dont have a camera.... :( so blogging is good. Okay, i did my PSLE which means Primary School Leaving Examinations. I did pretty bad cause im not a good learner. I always been dreaming in classes. Haha! My aggregate was low, 91 je...... So not much choices of Secondary schools to pick from. I got in Siglap Secondary School. This school is so call my family is there. My great great grandmother/father, makcik, pakcik, cousin and sisters studied in Siglap too! So i felt home. I was in the same technical class until secondary 4. So our class bonding was very close. But im the silent type of person, so...Faham faham uh. Two of my primary school classmate also have the same class with me in secondary school. But we are not that close, i still dont know why. Maybe im too quiet. Hah! The day of my oritetion, i was late! So they just let me join in one of the group. I was in spongebob group which i gave them a idea for it. I don't know why they choose my say. Hahaha. I remember in my group was Nabilah, Razali, Eliza, Farah, Shamir and Hafiz H or Khairul. Im not sure but the person was tall. Hahaha opps lupa. Funny games we played. 

Okay i think i'll stop here and continue tomm?
Penat already. Heh. I wanna watch "Mann" a Hindustan movie that Fadhil asked me to watch. I hope i dont fall asleeping watching it and it will run smoothly so i will watch happily. Haha.

Love, Anah


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