What happen on the 25 to 26 March

When to nafa

Waited for rohiim outside nafa admission w Afiqah and Sadiq. But when rohiim reached, sadiq when off. So me and rohiim waited for the queue while afiqah waits for us outside. I tell u very long then we have to wait for 430 for signing contract. Around 7 then we're off. So late for chalet eh. Paksa rohiim to go chalet and he did! Afiqah pay the cab for us. THANKS! (:

Coasta Sand resort!

Around 830 we three reach together w fau and ms shikin we had a ride from e!hub. Hahaaha. Everyone was happy. played games, makan gila, drink, watched tb, alaa we have fun laa. Hahaha. but our class chalet only 2days one night. So we're tired as fuck. I slept for 2 hours? By the way, aleem look really handsome that day. Hahaha true talk.


Took some pictures when we're waiting to check out at 1030. Then...... Marcus lost his wallet! I don't know how he lost it cause it was just right there on the table. I just hope he gets it back. So we all when home. Penat mah. Fau follow me home, cause i need to go nafa once again to pay school fees. Hahaha. I pay a total of $1920 singapore dollars. Crazy money right. So im so thankful to nenek and those who helped me. (: 

After nafa > Home > SWIMMING! > Qiji > Home at last!

So i was really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really tired.


I hope we're gonna have another class gathering but w more people joining. 


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