
Showing posts from December, 2012

How my week has been.

I helped my teachers at ITE AMK. It was so much fun. (: Loving the time spend w teachers and my juniors. Finally we lepak w them. Seeing the interview, make me miss mine. I MISS SCHOOLING. I know i want it to end so badly but im missing it. I make friends w the 2013 Intake. Hahaha. Kecoh siah my teachers. But i like how it goes. I've been feeling feeling like a teacher these few days. Having my own office is fun! Hais. I want be a teacher laa! HOW?!?! Anyways, i called the kids that has been selected to Visual Effect course. Was nervous at first but at last, it was easy. Fun ah call orang. Then got this one malay girl was so excited when she heard me that she got selected. Hahaha and im happy too. Hahaha. Aku senior mah. Hehehe. I can't believe im not learning Visual Effects no more. :( It's okay. But i want to continue school. I want try early Childhood course GPA sucks big time. Boohu. I'll make love to you. I just

I don't know where to go.

My GPA sucks. My current gpa is 3 but cumulative is 2.6. I can't get to go anywhere w that kind of number. Hais, apa laa nasib aku. I want try nafa/laselle/poly/first media design school but.....MORE HAIS. I can't afford. FUCK THIS SHIT. I never gonna get anywhere. I hate this. If work? I don't know. Nobody wants me. How the fuck am i suppose to live my life? damn. Now im jobless, nothing to do at home. But Ms Shikin ask me to do some Portfolio, so im trying to do some. She ask to do on digital, instead of drawing. Well..... I did some drawings at my drawing book. Okay whatever. Im kinda lazy to do anything now. I wish i can get up every morning, jog, eat breakfast at macds, 2nd shower, go to the library, start doing art shit on my laptop, eat lunch w a special someone, have fun laughing and create memories, continue abit of my work, maybe dinner, do some late night jog/cycling around the park, shower, bed. ahhhhhhhhh relaxing or what. Wuah, not gonna happen. Anyway

Sixteen Twelve Twenty Twelve.

False Plaintiff This is bryner band song. I pretty much love it. You guys should listen to it. (:  It's 3 in the morning and im still awake. ish ish ish. Okay laa. I hope im gonna have a great sunday. Insya Allah. Amin. Andddddddddddddddd i need braces for my teeth! It's getting worse. :( Hais. Need to collect $4000 siah -.- how? No money shay. boohu......... FN//xxx


ehhhhhhh baru ah nak update. I don't what to update but i turned 19 already last Moday. (: heh. Lambat siah nak 19 bey next year daa 20 eh. Oooooo myyy gosssssh! Hahaha. I no more school & living w my aunty from now .... Bored. But nevermind. K thats all. Im loving "no more love songs for you" (: i heard this from Raimi. Happy listening. Bye.