How my week has been.

I helped my teachers at ITE AMK.

It was so much fun. (: Loving the time spend w teachers and my juniors. Finally we lepak w them. Seeing the interview, make me miss mine. I MISS SCHOOLING. I know i want it to end so badly but im missing it. I make friends w the 2013 Intake. Hahaha. Kecoh siah my teachers. But i like how it goes.

I've been feeling feeling like a teacher these few days. Having my own office is fun! Hais. I want be a teacher laa! HOW?!?! Anyways, i called the kids that has been selected to Visual Effect course. Was nervous at first but at last, it was easy. Fun ah call orang. Then got this one malay girl was so excited when she heard me that she got selected. Hahaha and im happy too. Hahaha. Aku senior mah. Hehehe. I can't believe im not learning Visual Effects no more. :( It's okay. But i want to continue school. I want try early Childhood course GPA sucks big time. Boohu.

I'll make love to you.

I just love the rhythm of the music, i know this song is about memorable sex but it's really is a good song. Maybe when you guys get married on the very first night, which the malays says 'Malam pertama' hahaha, you guys should sing to your partner this. It's gonna be awesome! Hahaha im talking crap. Shut up. Okay, i need to bathe and pray.

Ciao! See you later! xxx


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