I don't know where to go.

My GPA sucks.

My current gpa is 3 but cumulative is 2.6. I can't get to go anywhere w that kind of number. Hais, apa laa nasib aku. I want try nafa/laselle/poly/first media design school but.....MORE HAIS. I can't afford. FUCK THIS SHIT. I never gonna get anywhere. I hate this. If work? I don't know. Nobody wants me. How the fuck am i suppose to live my life? damn. Now im jobless, nothing to do at home. But Ms Shikin ask me to do some Portfolio, so im trying to do some. She ask to do on digital, instead of drawing. Well..... I did some drawings at my drawing book. Okay whatever. Im kinda lazy to do anything now. I wish i can get up every morning, jog, eat breakfast at macds, 2nd shower, go to the library, start doing art shit on my laptop, eat lunch w a special someone, have fun laughing and create memories, continue abit of my work, maybe dinner, do some late night jog/cycling around the park, shower, bed. ahhhhhhhhh relaxing or what. Wuah, not gonna happen. Anyways, speaking of a special someone, it's really not gonna happen to me. I hate the other sex, eh not really hate but i guess that im just tired of guys. Receiving a text from them that they're saying they like me, this and that just make me feel more unwanted to talk to them. I feel like walking out and not staying. I don't know. Im sorry if i ever hurt you guys out there. I need more....more time to relax before doing this stuff ever again. I don't like it anymore, but i do miss it but i don't have the courage to do this. so yeah.


& a Merry Christmas to all of you. 


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