My mind is......

Getting crazier.

Day by day, i've be very good. I have a normal life without he being with me. Everytime i think about him, everytime i cried a little and my heart sinks deep down. I want him to be always with me but i can't take it any longer but being honest to myself, i really want him in my life. Im like dragging my heart to forget about him but the more i think, the more guilty i am for letting him go. Im like Aang, i don't really know what im doing but thinks, it's the best. Night by night, tears falling down my face. I admit it, i really miss my rohaizad..... Even tough i pretend that i didn't look like i care about him, didn't pick up his calls, don't wanna meet him and stuffs.... Actually i want to.... But something just stops me from doing all that. Arggh this is so hard. OMG im one messed up girl. Haissss.

If only i can hug him just for one more time, it would be magical.


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