Last day of school 2011.


Wake up early because Nenek woke me up. Hah. So i take my time. Sempat tengok movei sebelum kuwa. Hehehe. Then, I go meet Shidah at Small Mcd Interchange to eat breakfast. Funny uh us at that moment. Then took 23, was late. Then on the way to school, my hair was in the way so i wanted to out it aside then i forgot that i was holding my hot teh, then bodoh happen, air teh panas tuh ttumpah pat my baju sekolah... Baikkkk. Hah. Daa reach the exam room, faster faster wear landyard & i dint get to finish my Hot Teh :( Takpa umaa can drink horr. Lalala, do exam using computer. I finish 20minutes, then sleep all the way for 1 hour 10minutes i guess?? Hahaha, && i t-fart. I dont know if anyone hear it. Heh. Lolol. Diam uh. Finish exam, go tengok shooting Ghazalie. Then shoot in class, i relaxs & do photoshop. As can you see the pictures above. ^^ Then 5pm we go Century Square. Makan. On the way to my bustop, tjumpa my adik. Hah. So when home with her.  && i got a job!! ^^ This Saturday gonna go out with family, Tuesday Teo planning to shishaa. Yeay! But im bored. Tomm till friday nothing to do. Shall be good, stay at home. ^^ ok, i tired.

Tomm December tau!


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