3rd week of school.

Monday, 25th July.
3rd Monthsary with Rohaizadbby. 
I actually forgotten that today's was our 3rd cause seriously i didn't check the calender. Soyeah. I'm really sorry you. SORRY?!?!?! Seriously. Lain kali i tak buat lagy. Promise-promise-promise! Hee! (: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID FOR ME. By going school together, waits together with me outside my classroom, tie-ING my hair, cutting my nails, tie my shoes lace, pay for meals, sends me home until my lift there & all. I know i got nothing to give you, maaf. All i can give you my Heart dan kasih sayang. Saya cintakan kamu. ❤ Truly. Tak bedek punnya. May we stay together sampai bila-bila. Amin. (:
School, I didn't go for Mr Kean's class that Morning cause Boyfriend janji to eat Macd's breakfast that Morning. So yeah. He so sweet wait for me outside my house. (: Then off to Tmart. Eateateat. So full bah that moment. So after that go School time. Meet Shidah at toilet. Then 2nd class & did soundesign assg 1 & i forgot what i did next. Hahahaha! Stupid.

K, next!

This video on top is Fauzana. I recorded her face & roto, match move her specs. I'm not a clever student, so yeah. Fake? Kaw punya pasal la. Apa ako tau 50% ako bikin 50% Mr Kean tolong. Baik uh dia. (: Even though, he sound lazy.

Mr Kean: Makcik, you finish already not?
Me: Yah, but i don't know how to make the two pictures combine together uh.
Mr Kean: Why never do same as the other picture??
Me: I don't know la, i lazy ah, you do for me ah cher like you did the first picture. Heeeeehehe.
Mr Kean: Alamak, just follow the picture la.

Then i forgot the conservation uh, it's something like this la. Hahaha at last he do for me, i edit abit je.

We were indeed crazy on Wednesday.

Ok, i lazy to remember what i did on Tuesday to Thursday. && by the way, i kena locked out by Mr William one day, twice! Hahahah fucked up much. Anyways, i got videos & pictures. I know abit only but at least something right to see?

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (:

Last day eating at school cause this Monday fasting month already. Hah! I skipped afternoon class which is Ms Shikin's. Hahahah, my friends too. Monday tunggu jela kena sound sama tuh cikgu. heeee! So we slack uh. Then back home, bathe & get ready again. Meeting boyfriend. Last day before puasa. Hah. On the way to Tmart saw my aunty, lucky uh me she didn't see anything. Maybe? hahaha. Tak pasal ah we sat at Tmart Macd, lalala go to block 367. Talked. He kept talking about relationships, my exs, what did i did before i had him & alot more uh. I know he was feeling sad i guess? Hah anah tak tahu la. Bey it's late already. So yeah. He made a promise for me to quit. Memang uh ako nak quit pon. He made a promise shake to for us. Which is so cute! (: First was a pinky swear then thumbs snap & a kiss.  Hah, up to lift. Lalala Grandmother saw me & him. Hahaha funny ah. After saying 'iloveyoutoo' at him, i missed him already. Hurhur. & yesh, your'e the besh i ever had. Jangan let me go please? Sebab cara you lain, you bukan macam lelaki lain. You lain & that's what i love about you. ❤ Heee! I'm still shy around my boyfriend, i don't know why? I just do. Hahahha. Funny me. 

& The movie Nur Kasih was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Go watch it friends. 


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