
Showing posts from October, 2012

October was........

Okay until.. K, lets start from the beginning. Im trying so hard to move on. Actually i might think i can. So a few guys contacted me. It was okay for a few two to three days but then they started to annoy me. Like why are you telling me you like me. I just like broke up. I dont want to rush thing, plus! I'm not so interested in you, i just wanna be friends. That's all i wanted but i don't like to like break their hearts. Kkk, what would you guys think if some unknown guy top up your p8 card just want to get to know you? Some might say, sweet apa... If me, OMG YOURE LIKE PAYING ME TO ENTERTAIN YOU. That's my opinion. I dont wanna to tell that guy cause, im like breaking hearts. Another one, cannot kena abit if not keep on like begging me or something. Gosh! I need space! I know im like being a bad person but... I just want things to be cool. Im a type of girl that if im lazy to reply, i can just ignore. Simple. Im lazy. Know that. I don't entertain people anyho