
Showing posts from September, 2012

My mind is......

Getting crazier. Day by day, i've be very good. I have a normal life without he being with me. Everytime i think about him, everytime i cried a little and my heart sinks deep down. I want him to be always with me but i can't take it any longer but being honest to myself, i really want him in my life. Im like dragging my heart to forget about him but the more i think, the more guilty i am for letting him go. Im like Aang, i don't really know what im doing but thinks, it's the best. Night by night, tears falling down my face. I admit it, i really miss my rohaizad..... Even tough i pretend that i didn't look like i care about him, didn't pick up his calls, don't wanna meet him and stuffs.... Actually i want to.... But something just stops me from doing all that. Arggh this is so hard. OMG im one messed up girl. Haissss. If only i can hug him just for one more time, it would be magical.

2 September 2012.

Nurul Huda's Wedding. Meet up around eleven plus in the morning inside bus 17 with Ain, Dina & Syafikah. While i was waiting for the bus to arrive, Iqbal text me. He say, he saw me waiting for the bus. Hahaha paisey. Then the they arrive, i went up the bus and talk talk with them. Funny moments. Then reached at Naf's stop. Iqbal & Haziq were there. I thought Haziq is coming too, but no. He going meet his girlfriend. So we waiting for the rest. Margaret, Daniel & Eliza. Then Khairul & Elfy reach at Huda's by bike. Woooo so syoik siah! Hahaha. Then makan makan at the wedding. (: Take photo and all. Then off too punggol. Nurellyna's Open house. We were abit lost at first eh. Funny. Then at last we reached. Lalala talk talk click click eat eat salam salam go home. Chill chill burung(CCB) w Syafikah. But i and Ikah didn't. We go downtown and drink at McCafe. Lepak until 9? Had amazing laugh and sad moment with