Woah, I didn't update like for 1month plus.

When shopping late.

Yesterday, the 14th, I woke up late at 4 in the afternoon. Tsk ish ish.. I guess I was so tired. Yah, I am so tired. P-E-N-A-T! Heh. So like as always, I think of boyfriend first, so I replied him. Lalala I go bathe & eat. Then Mai ask me to accompany her to town. She wanna buy stuff & presents. So yeah. While i get ready, we watched RA One but not yet finish uh. So I think at around 7 like that we go out? Like late siah. But who cares! 

So to somerset. First we go look look around at Scape Flea, buy nothing. But we ter-meet Ilyas and his friends. Then we go Praise shop at Cine, Mai bought two tee shirt for presents, then go to 313 Forever 21, I bought one Flowery tee & Mai bought herself shirt & also one present. Then we go eat at Cold Rock, ice cream uh. It was my first time. Wooo, hahaha. Mahal siuls. But worth it. Sedap. Then i go transfer money to Mama then we go shop at Hula & "something" IDK. Hahahah. I bought two shirt, Mai also. So nice. Hah. Then i remembered i wanna buy scarf, so back to Cine, buy two scarf for $4. Heh. & I saw Bryner! (: Bey we are so tired, sooooooo we go take cab. Heh. Price was $24.05. WOOOOO! Gila. I spend about $100! Hmmmm. Hais. 

"When I'm feeling upset, I buy stuff I don't really need."

& a Happy 20th Birthday to My sister, Masliyana Natasha! (:
&&& a Happy 19th Birthday to My old Classmate in Secondary, Iskandar! (:

Sorry for the long time no update. Was busy with work within the holidays, now school's reopen already. Soyeah. I'll update, when i have time to. ^^>



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