
Showing posts from November, 2011

Last day of school 2011.

Exams. Wake up early because Nenek woke me up. Hah. So i take my time. Sempat tengok movei sebelum kuwa. Hehehe. Then, I go meet Shidah at Small Mcd Interchange to eat breakfast. Funny uh us at that moment. Then took 23, was late. Then on the way to school, my hair was in the way so i wanted to out it aside then i forgot that i was holding my hot teh, then bodoh happen, air teh panas tuh ttumpah pat my baju sekolah... Baikkkk. Hah. Daa reach the exam room, faster faster wear landyard & i dint get to finish my Hot Teh :( Takpa umaa can drink horr. Lalala, do exam using computer. I finish 20minutes, then sleep all the way for 1 hour 10minutes i guess?? Hahaha, && i t-fart. I dont know if anyone hear it. Heh. Lolol. Diam uh. Finish exam, go tengok shooting Ghazalie. Then shoot in class, i relaxs & do photoshop. As can you see the pictures above. ^^ Then 5pm we go Century Square. Makan. On the way to my bustop, tjumpa my adik. Hah. So when home with her.  && i go

Late present for Shidah.

I woke up at around 4pm. Haaaaaaaaaaaah! Crazy siah me. I didnt notice. When i woke up i check my phone & boyfriend text, are you still sleeping or what. Hahahhaah then im like, what time already siah.. I thought 1pm siah. Hahah. Tomm cannot like this. Must wake up at 8am. Got exams at 11am. Woooo. Anyways, i did a last minute gift for Shidah. Since i have not give her any present for her birthday last 8november. Before im too late i give her tomm uh. Breakfast with her tomm. Just now ako sempat jumpa boyfriend. Amin. What a relief uh jumpa dia. Happpppppppppppppppppy! Ok i wanna watch Cut Amirah.

After a long day in School.

Saya ni macam sudah mampos eh  Gambar ni macams. Haha. Merepek. Nari saya akan typing in malay. Sekian lama duduk depan sekolah nya computar. Saya dapat mengabis kam keja sekolah saya. Amin. Alhamdullilah. Penat saya tgg rendering Maya semua. Tapy still habis jgak saya bikin. Nari saya mau present liao pukol 4 lebih. Best of luck Anah. Gonna present six stuff. See in my previous post. Alamak, typing malay tak jady. Merepek uh. I'M SORRY BOYFRIEND. Hais. Ada lagy satuh thing. All Anah's fault making him mad at me. But at the same time my friends are thankyou-ing me. Hah. Now i don't know where's my handphone. Guess gonna see handphone when i got up of bed later. :( Miss him but no use eh Anah. Think for yourself laa Anah oi.

I'm gonna present this.

-MAYA- Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Mini Project -NUKE- Mini Project -MOTION GRAPHICS- Mini Project

Stress up with school.

My presentation is on the 22nd November. Wooo. I'm so not ready with it. I haven't finish my Maya & Motion graphics project. Shits man. By Monday hope-ly I can finish it. I know it's a late submission. But never mind. As long finish right? Cheyy. Anyways, thanks Shidah for tweeting this image for me to see. (:  Hope all my friends are able to present presentable on this coming Tuesday & Wednesday.

Selamat Hari Raya Haji.

Raya at home this year. I'm happy to see my families happy. (': On top is cousins plus Great Grandmama. Actually we look damn really fucking tired. Anyways, I don't really, not sure whats going on between two of us. Hmmm. Confusions. How? Iam a so "Misses IDK". Hah! Bye.


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