
Showing posts from July, 2011

Today last of Shaʿbān — شعبان

Waliaowey. So tried hor. Wakeup at 12 plus i think? Text they 3. I thought i can follow them but at last, tak cause Mama ajak makan malam. Lalala, makan mandy tengok Nightmare Elm Street. Tating uh cita dia. Hahaha lalala, i go transfer money at Tmart. & My face like never bathe like that, tuh la. Always wear makeup, when remove it, i look like a ghost nor tak mandy. Hahahaha. Ok whatever. Sap my very last R. Yeah, it was awesome i guess? Hahahahha & i bought Blue Coral. (: I really want the Name Necklace now. Cepat uh arrived. (: Hah! Home, bored! So i record myself singing. Jangan comment please. Ako tahu tak sedap, ako tak pasal pon. Hahahhaha. I think now wann relaks & watch movie with my Sisters. (: Esok puasa nak kena bgon early. 

Jessica's back!

30th July 2011. Like at last we meet. It's been like 3 weeks she didn't come to school. Bad Jessica & she says that she'll quit school. Awwwwwww. :( Jessica leaving TV1101A. Wasted la Ah Star Loo. No more ppg. Never mind i understand what are you feeling right now. So yesterday i feeling-feeling like Chinese girl cause i'm the only Malay hor. Hahahahha! But i look like one right? Heeeeeeeeeeeee! Had a great time with them eventhough we missed the Fireworks because of Marcus & Queenie busying finding clothes. Padahal nary nak gy shopping lagy. -.- Sepak dorang. Hahahah but takpala. First i meet them at Tampines Interchange Small Macds. Then off to Bugis to meet up Queenie then of to Suntec. Slack at Skypark. After that both the girls when home already. Me & Marcus go sit sit awhile outside Esplanade MRT entrance. 11pm we go take Train at City Hall. Byebye & my cellphone when dead after that. Fucking Shitxx manh. Took 3 home. Got back home safely.  Now i

3rd week of school.

Monday, 25th July. 3rd Monthsary with Rohaizadbby.  ❤ I actually forgotten that today's was our 3rd cause seriously i didn't check the calender. Soyeah. I'm really sorry you. SORRY?!?!?! Seriously. Lain kali i tak buat lagy. Promise-promise-promise! Hee! (: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID FOR ME. By going school together, waits together with me outside my classroom, tie-ING my hair, cutting my nails, tie my shoes lace, pay for meals, sends me home until my lift there & all. I know i got nothing to give you, maaf. All i can give you my Heart dan kasih sayang. Saya cintakan kamu.  ❤  Truly. Tak bedek punnya. May we stay together sampai bila-bila. Amin. (: School, I didn't go for Mr Kean's class that Morning cause Boyfriend janji to eat Macd's breakfast that Morning. So yeah. He so sweet wait for me outside my house. (: Then off to Tmart. Eateateat. So full bah that moment. So after that go School time. Meet Shidah at toilet. Then 2nd class & did


23rd July with Shidah. I always had a great time with her. Awesome NDP Preview. Great job Singaporeans! I He ❤ rts SG! (: Chey. We were crazy girls that day. hahahah. Back home really late. More pictures, see my Facebook. (:  Fireworks lights to my eyes.  ❤