
Showing posts from July, 2012

5th of Rahmadan.

Happy 15th monthsary to me and Mr Rohaizad! Hehe. (: I love him till bits and pieces. ♥

2nd of Rahmadan.

Trying to watch this ep.......... :( But sadly, it can't seems to load. Im s a d. :( but it's ok. I'll keep on trying. The show is really exciting and funny. I don't know what will come next. Heh. Anyways... 1st Day of Rahmadan yesterday. I had this for yesterday's buka puasa. (: last minute shay we cook. No plan what to eat actually. Cause we were out searching for baju raya and stuff at arab st & haji lane there. So yeah. This is what we had. And we bought SUSHI! Hehehe. There's crab, salmon and tuna eh? Im not really sure. But i don't really like it cause got green thingy inside. Not my favourite. Hah. I really hope this year for raya, Im going to wear like White or Yellow nor Cream baju kurung. (: kk. it's 06:34PM. Left only a few minutes till bang. However it spells like. Heeeeeeeeeeee~ SELAMAT BPUASA DAN BBUKA KAWAN-KAWAN! (:

Do art, simple.

No thinking about life. My sunday i spent my time on drawing and painting. Heh. I don't wanna think too much. So i paint my tote beg I bought yesterday after the Harry Potter Exhibition at the Art Science Museum. $10 only siah. Hahahha. I kinda loving my new simple tote beg. I was doing elly's handphone cover first but i need more colors to finish it. I won't show it first, i wanna surprise elly! Heh. Tomm daa school's reopen. IM SOO LAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZY TO GOOOOOO! But then, go only laa heh. 9am @ Room 5201. I shall sleep before 11pm today?  Till then, sweetdreams.

4th July.

Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhi! I don't know what to know anymore. I just wanna run far away. Cause everything is getting weirder day by day. Maybe im just not ready to do anything big. Uh whatever. Im just gonna stay clam. Anyways, im meeting Dina at small macd today. Chill chill w her uh. She finish her school at 5. So at around 515 i go out laa heh. Aku lazy to do my hair. I only like tie bun and straighten my fringe, haha. Make up just like concealer, powder, mascara & eyebrow. Simple je aku. Hahahaha. But im happy looking like this. I don't know why people kept looking when i look as i didnt do anything w myself. Hah funny shit. Okay, gonna like pee & text Dina.