
Showing posts from August, 2011

25th Ramadan.


Iftar dengan ex 4tee.

Iqbal, Naf, Anah(me), Dina, Elfy, Iman, Elly, Amirul, Razali. Buka puasa at Bedok Simpang, spize. Boyfriend also follow but after this he when home. Sadness much, but its okay. Hah! I ate Nasi Goreng Seafood. So many hor the rice. Hah. Done eating they kept on planing on where to go. At last we go geylang. It was funny all the way. Took train to Tampines. Wait  for bas with Naf, great talk with her. (: Home. Tired. I lazy to type more. Soyeah.

8th Ramadan.

Happy National Day! In the hall. Finish Makeup-ing at home. Before the event started. In the hall again. So call i make shidah fall. :( I lazy uh to type what really happen today & to arrange the pictures. But i had a fun -.- time celebrating & giving out the hand made dedication paper to friends. Get to talk with friend that i don't really know. Soyeah. Bye.

7th Ramadan.

Today. All day i try to find sound effects for my assg/project for Soundesign. I didn't know there is one, until i checked & ask my friends. Soyeah but im still lost uh. Hmm i don't know la. K, whatever la. I text boyfriend using the net. Since i wanted to save my P8 for tomm. Heh. I miss my hair. :( Yesterday Buka At PizzaHut. We was bored yesterday. So we decided to inform our Mother that we wanted to breakfast today instead of next Saturday. Heh, pandai eh. Soyeah. Bathe & get ready all. Then off to Tmall Pizza's. Mama is inside already. So we 5 just walked in the place. LIKE A BOSS siah, while the others q'ing & looked at us. Hahahahahha. Then we ordered, so funny uh us that time. Laughing & laughing. Hah, had funny fun. Then we're off to geylang. Didn't wanted to go but DengDeng pey pasal. Hah. Babi Halal ako suka. Then we walkwalk. So hot like normal. Then around 10pm we took the bus already. Fast eh. K, i don't know what to type